Why Do I Feel Depressed in the Winter?
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Health Blog
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that is related to the change of seasons and lack of sunlight during the winter months.
Nov 1
Skin Health: Tips to Healthy Skin
The outside of your body is just as important as the inside, with your skin being the first line of defense against the world.
Oct 1
Hearing Loss: Your Guide to Stop Saying “Huh?”
Hearing loss affects more than just the ability to communicate, it can influence your social life, cognition, energy levels, and mobility.
Sep 1
4 Tips for Healthy Aging
Older adults need to pay closer attention to their health to help them live a happy, healthy, independent life.
Aug 1
The ABCs of Vitamins & Minerals
We hear that getting enough vitamins and minerals is critical to our health, but we don't always get the full details on what we need and...
Jul 1
Hepatitis – How to Reduce Your Risk
Viral Hepatitis is a condition that affects an estimated 354 million people globally,6 but hepatitis itself is a general term referring...
Jun 4
Summer Heat Safety
Pool days, grill-outs, boating, vacations – summer is finally here! The summer months come with fun outdoor activities, but precautions...
May 1
What is gut health and why is it important?
What is the gut? You often hear how the health of your gut affects your body, skin, and mental health, among many other things. But what...
Apr 1
Health Information Safety: Keeping Your Personal Health Information Safe and Secure
As a patient at our pharmacy, your health is our priority. Another priority of ours? The privacy and security of our patients’ health...
Mar 4
Drugs and Alcohol: A Bad Combination
It’s been a long day, you’re ready to go home and have some drinks to unwind when you remember you’re taking an antibiotic. The bottle...
Feb 1
Give Your Heart Some Love
February is American Heart Month and a time when all people are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health. Heart disease is the...
Jan 1
Healthy Habits for the New Year
For many, the new year marks an opportunity to reflect on the past year and start fresh. We make New Year’s resolutions to change for the...
Nov 30, 2023
5 Reasons to Choose Your Local Community Pharmacy
Your medications are personal – and having your prescriptions filled from a warehouse across the country by strangers is the opposite of...
Oct 31, 2023
Antibiotics: The Importance of Compliance & Antimicrobial Resistance
Antibiotics are an essential part of treatment for many infections and can save lives, but any time antibiotics are used, they can cause...
Oct 1, 2023
Struggling With Mental Health? You’re Not Alone!
Many people around the world struggle with their mental health and although some individuals struggle more than others, resulting in a...
Aug 31, 2023
Flu Vaccines: Everything You Need to Know
Flu season is almost here and let’s face it — no one has time for sniffles and coughs. Save yourself the time and suffering. You have the...
Aug 1, 2023
Myths About Medications
With so many available resources online now, misconceptions about medications are becoming more and more common. But taking medication...
Jul 1, 2023
Top 7 Chronic Diseases in America
It is likely that you or someone you know has suffered from some type of chronic disease. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, stroke, or...
May 31, 2023
Combating 7 of the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies
For most, having a healthy lifestyle is a top priority. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are often the first things people...
Apr 30, 2023
Women’s Health: Hormones 101
What are Hormones? ¹ Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers that travel in your bloodstream to tissues or organs. Endocrine glands,...
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